The other day we got new hats in the OR. One of the anesthetists has someone from his home town who regularly makes hat. I think this is a part time job for her. So she made a group of hats and sent them over here for us to wear in the OR. It sure beats the old paper throw away ones that we normally wear. Now we are colorful. Some of the hats are styled for Halloween, so these are just in time. In the picture, I am with some anesthesiologist, doctors and nurses from the OR. I don’t know if you can see the detail, but I picked the hat with little skeletons on it.
Speaking of Halloween, the kids (most of these soldiers are still kids to me) are really gearing up for this. Quite a few of them have ordered costumes. The command is going to release when they can wear them here at the CSH. That is an advantage for them being here working medical and being at one place at the time. The troops going outside the wire don’t get to wear costumes. Second thought, it might be pretty neat having Frankenstein kick in your door and point a M16 at you. I wonder if the insurgents would think it was neat.
Now for some more good news, sort of. They like me over here. I am just doing my job. I make myself available anytime, night or day ( It is not like I don't have the time or anywhere else to go). Apparently, in the past they have had some Orthopods who have not been so nice to work with. So the command told me I am doing a good job and that was very nice of them. In fact, I was doing so well that they have expanded my area of coverage. My area of coverage just grew about 100 miles. They tell me my schedule may change, but I am not sure what that means. I guess we will see.
Oh by the way, the news on the internet mentioned about Iraqi's civilian and kids getting killed in Mosul last weekend. That was the incident that kept me up most of the night. They didn't mention our soldier getting killed. They also didn't mention that that the insurgents were picking up the kids and using them as shields when our boys were fighting back. Our guys didn't kill any of the kids. One of the insurgents detonated a suicide vest and that's what got the kids. Funny how the news didn't quite pick up on that either.
hmmm, they must only have reporters from MSNBC over there. That's so unfortunate.
Tom, enjoyed reading your blogs for the first time. We'er never too old to learn, even at 60. But John Wayne said go "West" not "East"!!
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