This blog was written over a week ago, but due to major computer problems, I was able to recently post it. Oh well, better late than never.
Jan 24, 2010
This is my second deployment. My first one was in Mosul, Iraq in the summer of 2008. Now I am scheduled to go to FOB Shank, Afghanistan. I will be part of a FST (Forward Surgical Team). We essentially clean and stabilize injured soldiers, then shortly afterwards, transfer them to Bagram, and eventually, they are flown to Germany.
Right now I am sitting in Bagram Air Force Base. It is just a little north of the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul. It has been pretty much nonstop for the last 40 hours. After we left Fort Benning, Georgia, we stopped at Bangor, Maine. This is the same place that we flew into when I returned from my first tour. They still have a wonderful reception of about 12 or so supporters, mainly older Vets who all shook our hands as we got off the planed and thanked us for serving. It was very inspiring that they do that for us. We then flew to Germany, then to Kuwait. Did some paper work and briefing in Kuwait, caught a 0300 flight to Bagram and here I am. Slept a little off and on during the flights. Read a bit as well. I am sure that I will be sleeping well tonight.
Our flight from Kuwait was much more comfortable. We fly the C-17, which is much nicer and roomier than the C – 130 we took to Mosul.
We, the other 3 surgeons, a nurse anesthetist and I, will be here for a few days. The base is huge, 26,000 troops. It is similar to Mosul, Iraq with permanent buildings and pretty much all the usual facilities. Tomorrow, we get a few more briefings and I hope to check out the gym in the afternoon. On Wednesday, we take a helicopter for about an hour ride to FOB Shank.
I am told that FOB ( Forward Operating Base) Shank is big, but still in the process of developing. The military is pouring an airstrip, so eventually we will be able to fly a plane there. Right now only helicopters can fly in. It is located up in the mountains south of here. I am told it is at the 7-8000 ft level. Here in Bagram, I am not sure of the elevation, but the weather is not bad. It was clear skies and about upper 40s. They do get snow here, but there is none right now. Shank will be more like Chicago weather.
Afghanistan is about 10 and a half hour ahead of Chicago. I don’t know why they are off a half hour and not on the regular hour mark like everyone else. Afghanistan is behind the times for sure, so maybe their time being off adds to that.
Jan 24, 2010
This is my second deployment. My first one was in Mosul, Iraq in the summer of 2008. Now I am scheduled to go to FOB Shank, Afghanistan. I will be part of a FST (Forward Surgical Team). We essentially clean and stabilize injured soldiers, then shortly afterwards, transfer them to Bagram, and eventually, they are flown to Germany.
Right now I am sitting in Bagram Air Force Base. It is just a little north of the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul. It has been pretty much nonstop for the last 40 hours. After we left Fort Benning, Georgia, we stopped at Bangor, Maine. This is the same place that we flew into when I returned from my first tour. They still have a wonderful reception of about 12 or so supporters, mainly older Vets who all shook our hands as we got off the planed and thanked us for serving. It was very inspiring that they do that for us. We then flew to Germany, then to Kuwait. Did some paper work and briefing in Kuwait, caught a 0300 flight to Bagram and here I am. Slept a little off and on during the flights. Read a bit as well. I am sure that I will be sleeping well tonight.
Our flight from Kuwait was much more comfortable. We fly the C-17, which is much nicer and roomier than the C – 130 we took to Mosul.
We, the other 3 surgeons, a nurse anesthetist and I, will be here for a few days. The base is huge, 26,000 troops. It is similar to Mosul, Iraq with permanent buildings and pretty much all the usual facilities. Tomorrow, we get a few more briefings and I hope to check out the gym in the afternoon. On Wednesday, we take a helicopter for about an hour ride to FOB Shank.
I am told that FOB ( Forward Operating Base) Shank is big, but still in the process of developing. The military is pouring an airstrip, so eventually we will be able to fly a plane there. Right now only helicopters can fly in. It is located up in the mountains south of here. I am told it is at the 7-8000 ft level. Here in Bagram, I am not sure of the elevation, but the weather is not bad. It was clear skies and about upper 40s. They do get snow here, but there is none right now. Shank will be more like Chicago weather.
Afghanistan is about 10 and a half hour ahead of Chicago. I don’t know why they are off a half hour and not on the regular hour mark like everyone else. Afghanistan is behind the times for sure, so maybe their time being off adds to that.
The first photo was taken on the C-17 that flew us to Afghanistan from Kuwait. Definately, more leg room and more comfortable than the C - 130.
The second photo was taken at Fort Benning in front of this huge flag at our aircraft hanger than we processed at.
Hi Tom, just another 12 inches of snow here, love your pictures and thanks for all you are doing Keep Safe joe & the Stonegators
Stay warm & safe!
Love, Steph
P.S. Wrigely says, "Hi!" :)
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