Ramadan sucks,
Man, I hate Ramadan, it truly sucks. The first day of their holiday, I spent almost 14 hours straight in the OR. I know there are good Muslims out there who care about people and are decent people. Sorry to offend those people who really treat it as truly a religious holiday. I know it is the radical Islamics and terrorists, who take advantage of the decent people and just want to kill Americans at no matter what costs or harm to others. Yesterday, they attacked one of our vehicles. We had 4 badly injured kids, and I do mean kids, they look so young. I am very proud to say that they are all 4 alive thanks to the hard work of the doctors, nurses, techs and support staff. They all jumped in and kept working, not taking breaks until everything was done. 3 out of the 4 were literally half dead coming in the door. It was quite hectic. We went through a lot of blood, almost exhausted our entire blood supply. 2 of them we transfused over twice what their normal total blood volumes are. Because they were young and healthy, they survived. Someone my age would not have made it. I guess that is one of the reasons they have the young guys out fighting the war. They have a better chance of survival when the injuries occur. While these guys made it, unfortunately, I was busy with all their extremity wounds. I have never seen such horrendous wounds. Never, have I seen anything so destructive in civilian life. Some of these soldiers are going to have permanent deformities the rest of their lives, because of these extremists. I am so proud that we have such fine medical people who worked so hard to help these soldiers of ours. My hat is off to them.
I am sure that one of the sergeants will get a medal of some type. One of the commanders in the recovery room afterwards was telling me about this guy. While both his legs are badly mangled, he put his own tourniquet on one leg (all the soldiers now carry tourniquets). Then he was directing his other soldiers, helping them, even with his own catastrophic injuries. I bet things would have been worse if he didn’t take charge and kept a level head.
Sorry to write all this but I needed to unload a bit. Hopefully, we are through the worst of things. This is one of the reasons why I joined the Army. I wanted to do what I could to help these wonderful soldiers. Anyone who has any doubt about the tremendous sacrifice these guys and girls are making should come over here and see them in action. No one is better than the American soldier.
I am very proud of these soldiers, but I think I would rather be bored and studying Spanish.
By the way, the pic is of my front door to my room or "CHU".
God Bless those soldiers and all who serve. You are in our daily thoughts and prayers. Thank you.
Marty and Pete
Dad, i'm glad you're able to make a difference over there. They're lucky to have you.
Those soldiers were lucky to have such a great surgeon to put them back together. This is the reason you are there. Thanks Tom, you are doing what others only talk about.
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