I couldn’t believe it, but I discovered Area 51. It’s in the tabloids. Remember the movie “Independence Day” a few years ago. Area 51 was the secret hiding place of the government where they hid the aliens and spacemen from outer space and did experiments on them and studied them. It was out in Nevada or somewhere. Anyhow, I walk by this place every day and just yesterday someone pointed it out to me that we are in Area 51. After further investigation, I discovered it was our own doctor’s hut as it is called. This hut is where we have some medical books, computer and a small refrigerator for our NA beer. It is located at the beginning of Scapel Lane, just before our row of CHU’s . So I guess I am part of Area 51. I am not sure if I am from outer space or a failed experiment. I admit, I am part of a government coverup. If I start talking funny, I guess that you will know why.

I have added a link on my blog site to another blog if anyone is interested. I am not the only one here with a blog site. His name is Dr. Peter Brandup. He is an Anesthesiologist from El Peso, Texas. He is full time active duty. The active guys are here for 6 months, not like the short term hitters like me. He is a nice guy, a bit strange, but a nice guy. We actually get along very well. He is a Giants fan, but I won’t hold that against him, until the Giants play the Bears. He offers some views and stories that are different than mine. My blog site, however, is better.
Those scorpions were nothing. The other day a soldier brought in a poisonous snake. They were on Marez side, the other side of the FOB. They were doing some digging, over turned a big rock, and there was a desert viper of some sort. Iraq does not have any garter snakes here. All snakes here are poisonous. Some of the guys just freaked out. One of the sergeants took a shovel and smashed its head. They brought it into the clinic. It is not too big, maybe 2 feet or so. It is in formaldehyde, but I won’t show any pictures of it.
I am a little late putting out this blog. I was up late last night putting some bad guy back together again. Maybe we should adopt the Aussie’s philosophy. When their soldiers fire their weapons, and the bad guys are only wounded, their sergeants take the soldiers out for more training. I could use the sleep at night. Only kidding. Ramadan has definitely increased my work load. Can’t wait until it is over. I think another week and a half or so.
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