Saturday, July 26, 2008

Kuwait - continue

While I was at Kuwait, I met quite a few doctors who were also going to Iraq but to different cities such as Bagdad or Tirkit or Al Alsad. Obviously we were all nervous, concerned but also happy to go to a war zone to help our troops. One physician, a cardio-vascular surgeon gave me a parting gift as we said our goodbyes. It was a book he put together himself. It explained the 5 Mysteries of the Rosary. It also had numerous psalms, including the soldier's Psalm #91. That was one of the best gifts I could ever receive.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom

Mom & I just got all caught up. She wasn't able to view this at work, but I told her she can use my connection at home anytime. So we'll be checking for updates. :-)
Stay safe. We're all very proud of you!

Sue (Aunt Barb's #2)