I am doing very well in Iraq. The place I am in is like a mini Green Zone in Bagdad. It is about a little less than a square mile in area. It is lined with T-roll, which are 10 or 12 ft big construction cement blocks on the perimeter. There hasn’t been a mortar attack in a few months.
My hut is in a section appropriately named “Scapel Lane”. Nice little section where most of the docs are, next to the hospital.
I have not been very busy with trauma or surgical cases which is good for a number of reasons. I have been busy learning how they do things around here. I do a clinic twice a week. I see mainly things like I would back home, like torn ligaments, tendonitis, a lot of aches and pains. There is no dictation system at all. Everything I do, I have to type into the computer. There inpatient system is old and archaic, based on a DOS system. The outpatient clinic computer is Windows based, so it is easier. They don’t talk to each other, so I do a lot of duplication. The good part is that at least I get a lot of practice typing, which I certainly need.
They have a good gym here with lots of equipment. I have been going about every day. The dining facility (defac) is great. They have a wide selection, lots of desserts too. I have to be disciplined or I will come home a fat cow. It is probably a good thing that they are both located about ½ mile away, so I walk it back and forth 3 times a day.
Dr. Baier,
I hope this finds you doing well. And I know that not being busy there is not a bad thing! As far as Condell... well same as usual trying to hang on for the Merger. You are missed the Board is not the same without your name up there. Anyway there is a group of employees at Baxter that would like to send you and your soldiers some care packages, I wanted you to get them and not for them to go to any soldier. So would you e-mail me your mailing address, when I was deployed there was nothing better than getting a package from someone. Doc keep your hear up and your ass low. The only guy we lost was in the greenzone in a rocket attack on the embassy where he was working. I will keep you in my prayers. My e-mail address is below and I think I will check in with you daily to see what you are up to.
Take care,
Arcia Moss
Nice living quarters there Doc. Wouldn't want you to get spoiled and do something stupid like volunteering for more time. They always have a good gym for you to keep in shape. Good comment from Moss about keeping your head in the game and your butt down.
Hi Dr. Baier
Mona just gave me your blog address. I am glad you arrived safe and sound. Selena is taking good care of me and my leg. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Stay Safe.
Terri & Steve
Hi Dr. Baier!! It is always good to hear from you, Selina is doing a great job, but I know she misses you as we all do. There isn't much going on here. Dr. Quinn went and saw CCR (he 's such a hippie)Dr. Mayer spilled hot coffee on him and flew off his chair over to Em's station, so he wore Dr. Collins Lab coat that day. Mary went on vacation for a week and was in a wave runner accident, no broken bones but bruised and very sore, Connie had a baby boy Monday am, his name is Aiden Santana. There have been numerous patients asking about you, so we try to fill them in as best we can, take care of yourself and cover your ass!!
Hey there Tom. I am finally checking in to see the pix. Many pt's are asking about you and I am giving them your blog to get updates. Work has been busy here, so that is good. Don't get too comfortable with the desserts and great gym...you have that back home!! Also, Scalpel Ln, huh, that is appropriate. Take care and I will email you with updates!
Hey there glad to see you made it to IRAQ safely. Miss you here in the recovery room. Will keep praying for you. Keep smiling and God Bless. LT. Sarpy.
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