My sleep cycle is still out of whack. I usually fall asleep about 7-8 PM. Then wake up about 3 or 4 AM, and then I go work out. The temperature is usually 115 during the day. It cools off to 80 or 85 at night. Never thought I would consider 85 cool, but it really feels that way.
Unfortunately, I had to take care of my first US war casualty. He was touch and go for awhile. He finally pulled through and now he is on his way to Germany for further treatment.
These soldiers over here are simply amazing. In my clinics I see a lot of support personal, like either contractors or soldiers who do the supplies, repairs, staffing, etc. They are ok, but the real heroes are the infantry or troops who go out on missions every day, outside the wire as they say. They go out where it is not safe and do their jobs. When I see them in the clinic, I can’t keep them down to treat them. All they want is something to get them back on patrol. They won’t leave their battle buddies out there without them being out there with them. They will just suck it up, live with it and go back to their mission. The dedication of these guys is awesome. They are the real heroes who make a difference. I am one of the luckiest guys in the world to be privileged to help them. I am so lucky just to be among them. God has been so good to me. I thank Him for the honor.
For those of you in the OR, the picture is really what I wore on my first case. I can wear, and frequently do, wear my combat boots in the OR. I also wear my ACU pants. A lot of sterility and precautions seem to go out the window here. Quality control has not been invented here yet.
Nifty outfit. Keep up the good work over there and stay safe.
I think you're doing a wonderful job Dr. Baier. I know you said the soldiers are the hero, well sir they couldn't be the hero with out you, you are The Man. I applaud you. Stay safe.
So I guess you aren't as anal about sterility as you are at Condell...:)
All the pt's are continuing to ask about you. They all want me to tell you hello. Just saw one this am that wants to send you and Michael a care pkg. She will get your APO and send them once Michael gets there.
Miss you-
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