I know I have it easy, much easier than a lot of people. Sometimes it does bother me that I feel like I am wasting time. I guess I am so used to always being on the go at home, not having enough time to get everything done that I need to do. I guess I don’t take the time at home to stop and smell the roses. I feel sometimes I should be working harder, but that would mean more injuries for our troops which would be a bad thing. Sometimes I need to take a step back and ease up.
Last night I treated myself. We pass around a lot of DVD’s to each other. The guy before me left his TV and DVD player so I had something to watch it on. I also got a care package that had a box of Girl Scout cookies (note I said “had”). I got this old movie with Dean Martin and James Stewart called “Bandolero”. It also has Rachel Welch, which definitely helped. It was probably made before a lot of you were born, but that is the type of movie that I grew up on. So last night, I put the movie on, turned off the lights and nearly eat the whole box of Shortbread Girl Scout cookies. It reminded me of when I was a little kid. For a moment I mentally escaped. I even forgot that there was a war going on outside those T –walls that protect us. When the movie was over I turned on the lights and then it was like “WOW”. Then I realized I was back from my mental escape and back to reality. It was like waking up from a dream that seemed so real at the time, but when you wake up, you realize it was just a dream. I guess I still need that little mental break once in a while.
The pic is different trucks and vehicles lined up for chow.
I see you are doing well, one thing about being over there it gives you a chance to sit back and see the things that matter. We all think about you often! Stay safe!
My cab driver last night was a Christian from Northern Iraq and he was so appreciative of everything.... he thinks Iraq is much better off now and even went on about how he thinks we need to invade in Iran. Interesting...
Dr. Baier:
Glad to see you doing well. I have DVD's that we purchased to send to a friend who has since come home (safe). Would love to send them to you and your crew to share and enjoy. Get me an address and I will send them on.
If anything being over there makes you realize life is too short to take for granted. Keep safe! YOu are in my prayers and thoughts!!!
A little softball playing, taking spanish.....that is good. Better than the alternative! Just don't hurt yourself playing softball.....like pull a muscle. watching the olympics and watching them raise the flag everytime we won gold made me think of you and the sacrfices the soldiers make. Things are still plugging along here. Alex Dimitrijevich wanted me to tell you hi when I sent a msg.
Stay safe!
Hey Tom,
Nothing wrong with “escaping for the moment”, you (and all our troops) deserve it!!
The reality of your moment is that a lot of people are better off because you are there . . . hopefully they will never need your services.
Stay safe pal!
I also felt like I had to go far away to get some time to myself and gain perspective. Felt good to read some books and free myself from my cellphone / Blackberry. Now I'm back on the crack, though. Miss you. Can't wait to catch up and exchange stories. I left to early to get any of your patients, but took care of a lot of great guys (and gals) as well.
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