I am working on my farmer’s tan. About the only sun I get directly to my skin is when I walk to the gym in my PT uniform (my shorts and short sleeve shirt). They don’t allow you to go around without your shirt on here. That should keep my daughter and wife happy. A few years ago, my daughter had some friends over at the house. It was late, say about 11 or so. I was already in bed. So I went downstairs to have them turn the music down, but I didn’t bother to put a shirt on. My daughter complained to my wife about not having a shirt on, saying “Any man over 40 should not be in public without a shirt on”. I told her she should be grateful at least I put my pants on. Yes Dear, I will start behaving. Anyhow, my arms and legs are getting tanned, but the rest of me is pasty white.
There is amazing art work here. The Army has some talented soldiers. On the T-walls, different soldiers have displayed their artistic talents. Some of it has faded, but still quite impressive. This is a lot better than what is displayed on the bathroom walls. I guess I am not the only one with some free time.
Even though I am not very busy with the big traumas, I still am taking care of our troops. I see people in our clinics almost every day. There are a lot of sports related injuries I see. The gym is big, has a basketball court, lots of machines and weights. I see a lot of things that I would see in my practice back home. I have seen ruptured tendons, lots of strains and tendonitis. The only problem is I can’t do a lot about it now. If it is bad enough, then I send them to Germany. If not too bad, then I give them some anti-inflammatory meds and they tough it out.
Good morning Sir! Usual day in clinic here in Gurnee. A pt called to tell me you and Michael were featured in the Sun News last week. They are going to bring me a copy so hopefully one of us will get it forwarded over to you. Maybe Nancy has a copy. So a farmer's tan....no biking tan lines these days for you?
So do you have splinting or casting material over there. Plaster or the good stuff. Continue to stay safe!!!
Not to embarrass your family any further Sir, but we think you look fantastic without a shirt.
Pasty, but good!
Stay stafe,
The Gurnee PT gals
Hey Tom,
Thought I would post the blog way. The trail misses you. Brenda misses you taking your short off at the R&R. Me, not so much. To show you support, I will work on a farmer's tan too.
Stay safe.
Oh please don't encourage him to take his shirt off!! Dad, you're in great shape for your age but you're past your prime.....
Ok..I have to disagree with your daughter's comments .... There are tons of men over the age of 40 who look damn good without their shirts on! Course...not sure I'd want any of my friends seeing my dad without his shirt on either. LOL
Parents are vacationing in Branson MO right now. Yesterday was their 45th Anniversary. They went to Hawaii for their 25th and ending up eating at Denny's on their actual anniversary. So can't wait to here what they did yesterday.
Stay safe!
Thanks, Kristin
What can I say? I'm your daughter.
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