Do you know what today is? Exactly 1 month ago today, I reported for duty at Fort Bennings, Georgia. I know they say that when you join, it is like marrying the Army. Oh well, happy anniversary. Today is day # 24 that I have been over here, which means only 66 more days to go. But who is counting anyway. Time is starting to slip by and I will be home before you know it, sort of.
We got a new general surgeon today. The bad news is that we usually have 2 anyway. Last week they took one to move to a forward surgical team east of here. It is kind of like the front lines. So that means that they are planning on something that will need medical support, so things potentially may get busy there and here. We may need the second general surgeon.
The good news is where he came from. He came from Ramadi area where my son, Mike, was last year. He said they are downsizing the medical unit. It is going from a 100 person unit to 25. Since last year the trauma and violence is down so much, that they just didn’t need that much medical support anymore. This is the same providence that the bloody battle for the city of Fallujah in 2004 -2005 is in. If you recall we lost a lot of American lives and had a lot of American injuries there. Before the battle, the media had written the providence off as an insurgence fortress that we would never control. The people of Anbar providence have made a complete 180 degree turn. They got tired of the insurgency and started to work with us. The Iraqis have really taken control there and are protecting themselves.
It is similar here in Mosul, only not as advanced as Ramadi. Unfortunately, there are still areas that need to be cleaned out. The good part is that the Iraqis are doing more and more of the fighting, so that means less American injuries. That is a good thing.
I was walking down the hall, and saw some modern equipment. I had to take a picture of it. Now that was an example of somebody using his head or has too much time.
Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary, Sir! All the best from your Chicagoland Healthcare Recruiting team! Your dedication and selfless service are an inspiration to all of us back here in the states. Keep up the great work, and I hope to have to priviledge of working with you on some deployment in the future.
Michael J. Rakow, CPT, MS, US ARMY
Tom, I have been reading about your "adventures" over there since the Article was in the NewSun, and thank you for taking time out of your day to update your blog! Thank you also for taking a risk that not a lot of people are willing to do! I don't know you but I am from the area and Just wanted to give you a Thumbs UP! We are proud of your support and take care of our Heroes over there. Jen
CPT Rakow and Jen
Thank you for your support.
Major Baier
hi tom, sounds way to cool with shooting the gun. the other stuff-you know burnt popcorn and nonETOH beer sounds less than exciting. do you have air conditioning there? we all miss you so be careful and am glad its only (?) 66 days till you return.
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