Monday, July 14, 2008

R & R Party

Thanks to everyone who helped to send me off in true R & R fashion. I don't have very many pictures from that Saturday. Anyone want to email some, go ahead. It was a great time.


Anonymous said...

I think there are some pictures from the R & R on facebook. I'll try to download them and email you.

Top Gun said...

Thanks, Kristin, we'd like to see them!

Selina said...

Logging on for the first time. I like the pix of you saluting...Mj Baier. I suffered quietly today without you :)

Matty B said...

Selina... If you need any help in surgery, I will gladly take my dads place! fyi- How hard can it be?

Unknown said...

Hey TOM,

Glad yo made it to training OK. I'll check with Nora on the PICS. Matt and Mark rode last wekend. I was at a family reunion for Nora's family. Stay safe.

Big Bill

Egonring said...

Hey Dr. B,

This is one of my personal favorites from the R&R. Good that we got to give you the proper send-off. Hope week one is going well for you!


ksall said...

Glad you made it to SC the land of extreme humidity! Have fun with the practice bombs but stay away from the real ones. Are you a Major? Really??? I think I should be impressed, not sure though........stay safe!

Brenda Drolet said...

So glad that you got my pictures
before you left..

You are missed at the R&R already.
Everyone sends their LOVE

Selina said...

Hey Matty.....sure come join in, any time.

Where were you for his party?

Sheri said...

Hi Dr Baier!! We miss you the lib gurls. Stay Safe